“The Most Amazing Bowling Story Ever”(最も驚くべきボウリング物語)と題した実話で、少し長い話ではあるが、副題 “In a bowling alley one night, Bill Fong came so close to perfection that it nearly killed him” のわけが分かるように最後まで読めば、きっと(少しは?)感動するだろう。
ほんのちょっとした抜粋を載せておくので、試してみて、これで行けそうだったら、是非、“The Most Amazing Bowling Story Ever” を読んで見てください。
Most people think perfection in bowling is a 300 game, but it isn’t. Any reasonably good recreational bowler can get lucky one night and roll 12 consecutive strikes. If you count all the bowling alleys all over America, somebody somewhere bowls a 300 every night. But only a human robot can roll three 300s in a row—36 straight strikes—for what’s called a “perfect series.” More than 95 million Americans go bowling, but, according to the United States Bowling Congress, there have been only 21 certified 900s since anyone started keeping track.
. . . Bill Fong almost made it 22.
. . .
The fact that he missed perfection by the last pin on the last roll—that makes the whole thing more human, less robotic. And that, somehow, makes it seem almost beautiful. Besides, they argue, Fong still holds the Texas state record. And because there have been only 21 perfect 900s, he is technically tied for the 22nd greatest night in the annals of bowling history. (There have been only 11 899s.) [読み続ける]
By Michael J. Mooney (Published in D Magazine July 2012)